Friday, November 15, 2013

Create a Family Mission Statement

We come across mission statements In our workplace and businesses that we support. Our family is our most important endeavor so a mission statement seems worth thinking about! I recommend holding a relaxed family meeting with the goal of writing down values. Here are some ways to get started:

1) Start with some questions like "what kind of feeling do we want to have in our home?" and "What are our unique talents and abilities?". 

2) Ensure that everyone in the family has a chance to contribute. It's important that everyone's values are part of the mission statement. 

3) Encourage empathic listening and support everyone's input with positivity. 

Don't pressure yourself to get your statement completed in one day. Some of our best ideas come with time! Once you have it, display it!

Stay healthy and happy!

Aysha Hagene, LCPC

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