Monday, February 3, 2014

My child has recently picked up inappropriate language from peers. How can I handle it?

Parent's question of the week: "My child has recently picked up inappropriate language from peers. How can I handle it?"

It's always a good idea to have an awareness of the words we use so that we set a positive example for the kids in our presence. Try as we may, kids pick up new words from their environments and like to try them out. They may find it funny or interesting.

Here are some helpful ideas:

1) Have a talk with your child to let them know that word is not to be used.

2) Suggest an alternative, acceptable word.

3) It might be necessary to explain how that word can be hurtful to others. Gentle reminders on the importance of kindness is helpful.

4) Check in to see if your son or daughter is experiencing anger or frustration. Help them acknowledge the feeling rather than focus on the expletive. This helps your child in the long run by teaching them how to more clearly express what they need when they are feeling distressed.

I appreciate your questions!

Be Happy, Be Healthy!

Aysha Hagene, LCPC

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